Night shift has its own advantages, although they are few and far between; the stillness of the dark is one. With the site sitting on the Ohio River, the bridge is a beautiful sight to behold.
The misty fog rises from the depths of darkness engulfing the flowing steely cold span connecting the two states. Headlights beacon occasionally from the sturdy span. The green and red signals for the tugs blink, blink, blink, off the inky darkness. The misty fog rises from the depths of darkness engulfing the flowing steely cold span connecting the two states. Headlights beacon occasionally from the sturdy span. The green and red signals for the tugs blink, blink, blink. Cold intersections of light bob off the water belieing the steady state of the lamps and lower lights on the bridge. Listen. The river calls you. The tugs' chug, chug, chug, chug, rises and falls with the occasional toooot; their lights glinting off the black churned water.