Friday, December 7, 2007


Here's what Ken looked like when he tried to sit on the inner tube raft for the first time. He scared the daylights of the the peite, young lifeguard. Ken is all belly and no butt. He flopped on the inner tube and in slow motion flipped over backwards landing under water on his head. I thought "he better have a good breath!" I pushed on his feet and he popped up like a cork. We laughed to hard!
The pic is from the comic strip B.C. It ran in the Sunday paper and just fit so perfectly.


How can you renew when you are full? You're full of all the stuff that needs to be dealt with in your life. I call it the garbage and garbage needs to go. You can stuff any more trash in the bin when it is at the top.

Miriam Webster defines garbage as discarded or useless material; inaccurate or useless data 2 a: trash. What inaccurate or useless data are you holding on to that needs to go? What inaccurate thoughts, feelings, and emotions are building in you? If feelings are unacknowledged they build and build and become trash just like the garbage that goes to the curb each week.

We all have garbage in our lives we hang on to because it is comfortable, is "how it's always been" or for any number of other reasons. It does not mean that the garbage is good for us mentally and physically. In order to dump the garbage, we must first acknowledge its presence, come to terms with what ever the issue, feeling, or emotion we are holding on to is, and then consciously rid it from our minds. We must consciously remove the garbage because that is the last step to ridding our house (self) of trash. Sometimes the garbage tries to sneak back in to our thoughts. When that happens we haven't thoroughly come to terms with the issues and must revisit them again, work through the issues and dump them in the trash again. Only by coming to terms with the issues can we learn self-love which leads to self-acceptance. When we love all the past parts of ourselves that we can not change, then comes acceptance of ourselves, and that's when we dump the garbage for good. Self-acceptance will not have room for trash because self-acceptance is self-love. Love has no room for garbage.

I do not say this process is easy – only essential for our self-worth and growth.