Sunday, January 27, 2013


He walks the halls of justice
In the dead of the night,
The weight of the unborn
Of a nation on his heart.

He walks the halls of the mansion
A new-born country to mend,
He knew the might of a nation
Depended on him.

He walked the halls of justice,
With his life he paid the price.
He walked the halls of justice,
Forever right.

D. Roof

"There is no scarcity"

"When money is plentiful this is a man's world. When money is scarce it is a woman's world.  When all else seems to have failed, the woman's instinct comes in. She gets the job. That is the reason why, in spite of all that happens,  we continue to have a world."

Ladies Home Journal,  October 1932

Feminine energies - caring, laughter, resourcefulness, empathy, love, are ever present - even in a man's world. These traits are only appreciated when the quest for money and status are set aside. It is not that these traits are worthless.  It is they are smothered in the illusion of money and wealth waiting for the time to grow and mature when the thought of self are put aside for the greater whole. When the need for those energies turns bleakness into hope, dispair into acceptance,  encouraging the whole to join together in Love.