Wednesday, March 12, 2014

hmmm... Doing something aka learning to rest well

Why is it so hard to listen to my body and not feel guilty that I should be "doing something"?

I'm whipped today.  I came home after fighting the white out snow.  Not the brightest of ideas driving in those conditions.  A 15 minute trip took an hour.

I slept on and off in the comfortable lazyboy chair snuggled under a blanket with Tink on my lap channel surfing and feeding the wood burner in between.

I've gone to bed early with a soothing rice bag on my neck. Yet something nags and I can't go to sleep yet. Somehow I don't feel like I've justified my down time.  I didn't make use of my precious few hours and "do something constructive".

Why is taking care of myself and listening to my body when it says rest not enough? Why do I have to justify it?  Who am I seeking permission from?  Down time is important too. Maybe even first and foremost.  It just feels strange.